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The Answer to LIfe's most Intoxicating Questions


Amy Ripplinger

--Amy Ripplinger--

| 0 0 0
San Diego, United States
--Amy Ripplinger--
Amy Ripplinger
On 8/27/16, 1:06 AM

We have created a business model called the Social Value Enterprise. In this new model, wealth and value that is created by the business is shared with the entire community that helped build it, including the company workforce, the investors, the suppliers, and the customers.

In addition, The California Fruit Wine Co. has created a School of Social Value Entrepreneurship. In this school, we will fund other entrepreneurs to help start their own Social Value Enterprise. By becoming a wine club member, you are helping support us and in turn, support the community of Social Value Enterprises we are building. 

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Asked: 8/27/16, 1:05 AM
Seen: 3413 times
Last updated: 9/27/16, 10:33 PM