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What kind of food goes with fruit wine? [Closed]

Amy Ripplinger
on 8/27/16, 12:59 AM 2,424 views

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Amy Ripplinger

--Amy Ripplinger--

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San Diego, United States
--Amy Ripplinger--
Amy Ripplinger
On 8/27/16, 1:01 AM

All foods go with fruit wine! It’s really a matter of your tastes and preferences. Fruit wine is not confined by the constraints of traditional food-pairing charts or guidelines. Pair it with what you enjoy. You might find that you prefer our enticing pomegranate wine with a grilled steak, and our smooth mango wine with sushi. Or, you might find the opposite. And don’t forget, our fruit wines easily become delicious cocktails with the quick addition of fresh herbs like mint or a splash of your favorite spirit, opening up even more possibilities of flavor and pairing options. Ask a different person and you’ll get a different answer of “what goes with what.” It’s really exciting, when you think about it. Wine to match your tastes, your likes, your mood, and your creativity. Picture these two different ways to enjoy the same fruit wine.

Pineapple Wine: bright, tropical, chilled and poured over crushed ice in a frosty pint glass - paired with a juicy, grass-fed beef burger and sweet potato fries. Perfection.

– OR –

Pineapple Wine: bright, tropical, chilled and poured into a stemmed, rose wine glass - paired with delicate, white fish over a plate of leafy greens. Perfection.

As you can imagine, the possibilities in pairings are truly endless! We sincerely invite you to take the time to share your creative food pairing ideas - we call it “paying fun forward” - and share with us your photos and all fabulous ways your are having fun with and enjoying California Fruit Wine in the kitchen, at celebrations, at your favorite restaurant and beyond. Share your experience with us by tagging @cfwco and #fruitwinenation! 

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Asked: 8/27/16, 12:59 AM
Seen: 2424 times
Last updated: 9/27/16, 11:47 PM