Our Social Mission


Our Solution - Social Value Enterprise

In today's world, we believe that it’s not enough for companies to just create healthier, better products. Or to create fun company cultures. It's not enough for companies to sustainably source their ingredients but to stop there. As long as businesses are focused on profits for profits sake, then when push comes to shove, our companies are just centers of exploitation, regardless of what feel good clever spin we put on them.

We believe that it's time for a change. In a world where companies are often times larger and more influential than the countries they work in, it's time for business to lead the charge.  Our solution is a new model for business that we are pioneering called Social Value Enterprise (SVE). There are 3 aspects that make a SVE different than traditional business, of course all centered around creating Social Value.

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1) Profits unleashed to create common good.

Instead of building profits to distribute to shareholders, a SVE unleashes 100% of profits to create a better world! We do that by reinvesting our profits into the growth of our company and by providing startup grants to other entrepreneurs launching other SVE's. Once we have grown as large as possible, then ALL of our profits will be given away to businesses that adopt the SVE framework, turning our business into an engine for good.

2) Democratic Ownership

A SVE model democratizes accountability and decision making in a company. Where most companies are accountable to owners, specifically to make  a profit for them, a SVE turns employees into worker-owners, making the company accountable to the whole workforce. The worker-owners collectively control the founders shares, 100% of the voting shares, of the company. So the worker-owners are the ones who elect the Board of Directors who are in turn bound by our mission to create and prioritize social, collective value, not just quarterly profits. 

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3) We are not for sale

So often, entrepreneurs start companies with the intent to sell them. That is not the case for us. We are passionate about turning our business into much more than just another asset for a big conglomerate. Instead, the company will always be stewarded by the workforce for the benefit of society. While our company does have investors, all investor shares are repurchased through an ESOP (Employee Stock Ownership Plan - an employer retirement plan), providing our investors a healthy return but keeping the asset in the hands of the workforce.

We believe that through the Social Value Enterprise Model, business can be the driving force in creating a new set of relationships within our economy. Using market forces to incentivize and reward thinking about the whole, not just a dog eat dog world of “what’s in it for me”.

Democratic Corporations - Own Your Work